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Regenerative Agriculture in Action

Ms. Delevadova's Grade 11 Environmental Science class is currently in the midst of their sustainable agriculture unit, and this week, they had the opportunity to visit Northcote Campus' farm to gain a deeper understanding of regenerative agriculture practices. Not only did they get to learn about the farm's operations, but they also got their hands dirty by helping out with some tasks.

During their visits, the students learned about the importance of soil health and structure for sustainable agriculture. To further their knowledge, they participated in soil sampling, where they collected soil samples and will analyze them to understand the composition of the soil. Students also learned the importance of establishing strong root systems by potting tomato seedlings in addition to understanding ideal temperatures for planting certain crops into the ground. As a reward for their work, they enjoyed munching on some claytonia that has also been featured in dining hall salads this week. 
These hands-on experiences allowed the students to apply the knowledge they gained in class and see firsthand how regenerative agriculture practices can help maintain healthy ecosystems and improve the quality of the soil. By using techniques such as crop rotation, Northcote Campus' farm demonstrates how sustainable agriculture can be implemented in practice.
Ms. Delevadova's class is also exploring innovative solutions for environmental challenges and promoting sustainable living practices. 
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4391 County Road 29, Lakefield Ontario K0L 2H0   705.652.3324   admissions@lcs.on.ca


Lakefield College School is a private, coeducational boarding and day school for students in grades 9 through 12, located in Lakefield, Ontario, Canada.

We respectfully acknowledge that Lakefield College School is located on the Treaty 20 Michi Saagiig territory and in the traditional territory of the Michi Saagiig and Chippewa Nations, collectively known as the Williams Treaties First Nations, which include: Curve Lake, Hiawatha, Alderville, Scugog Island, Rama, Beausoleil, and Georgina Island First Nations.
Lakefield College School respectfully acknowledges that the Williams Treaties First Nations are the stewards and caretakers of these lands and waters in perpetuity and that they continue to maintain this responsibility to ensure their health and integrity for generations to come.

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